
1. Introduction

This post is all about the game contents of Task3 build our own game based on the functions we made for task1 and 2.

2. Plan of the game

First of all, I am considering the game platform, which means 2D or 3D game.

I know, we have worked on this project on 3D platform. However, it is true that working on 3D platform is taking longer time to work with.

Personally, I strongly believe that at this level (student level of programming and assets) 2D platform game would be simpler and good looking compared to 3D platform.

As a result, I would like to continue my game portfolio with 2D platform

3. Game contents

For our game, we have player attacking and enemy AI. 

Traditionally, most of RPG genre games are all about killing enemy and win some valuable or legendary items to have a last battle with Boss.

So, I believe my game could work something like this. 

First of all, the players will see the main menu. In the menu, there will be player, credit and setting buttons. If players has started that game, they would see the cinematic movie first to explain brief background of the game setting (Legendary story or player character has special power to defeat dark creatures).

4. Required functions

There are the list of functions required to build the game successfully

- Player and Enemy Attacking

- Player picking up item

- Player 💀 

- Whenever enemy died, it should give player some amount of gold and items

- Player should able to move to next map or level (means move to the next scene)

- Quest and reward system

- NPC and Shop (Selling and buying)

- Spawning enemy and Boss enemy

- Health and mana bar (UI)

- Adding score (whenever killing enemy)

- Win condition ( Win a battle with Final Boss Or Collect certain amount of score)

- Hearthstone (Positioning player in any location)

5. Credits

I have implemented some of the functions and my other classmates has put their time to make these functions. 

So, I will be putting all their names and script in credit page (In Main Menu)

Get SGD300-Dungeon Siege Semester long Project / Task3

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